пятница, 11 июня 2010 г.

Balenciaga Resort 2011 BY ME)


11 комментариев:

CHRISTERIC комментирует...

hi love, thank you so much for the drawing!!! I am posting it now! Hope you don't mind! i LOVE IT!!! xoxx

Camilla комментирует...

love all your art! x


the curly road комментирует...

your blogname is grammaticaly wrong :) i'm german and it's "mein liebeR augustin" (or when augustin is female then it is "meine liebe augustin")

Emmekay комментирует...

Marina, I absolutly want a pic of me made by you.
Your artwork is special, gorgeous and funny...really appreciate it!

Unknown комментирует...

Wow, you are amazingly talented!!

Saw your pic on Chisteric and have been roaming your blog for the past 20 minutes!

m комментирует...

Christine, i love your style and your blog so much. I'm so glad taht you liked my drawing. Thank you so much

m комментирует...

Mirjam, thank you for noticing mistake in my blog's name. But I can't fix it now. Anyway I like it this way

Malena Makarenko комментирует...

ti klasno risuiesh, ia uvidela tvoi blog v chisteric.blogspot :)

Nubiasnonsense комментирует...

Very impressive I love all your drawing.. You are very talented

Cindy Van Dyck комментирует...

I love your art! Can you make one for me maybe?

Cindy thanks

Nature Graffiti комментирует...

your work is absolutely amazing - i'll definitely keep checking back to see more!!
